The University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” organized the Annual European SPES Conference entitled “Place Based Sustainability, Ethics, and Spirituality” in May 19–21, 2022 in Urbino, Italy.
The conference aimed at exploring theoretical and practical models that integrate the sense of the place, ethics, and spirituality in new ways of organizing of economic and social life.
Keynote lectures of the conference included the following:
Luk Bouckaert (Catholic University of Leuven): Back from Non-Place-Based Economics to Oiko-Nomics
Luigino Bruni (LUMSA University, Rome and Sophia University Institute, Loppiano): Vegetal Economics
Helen Alford and Michal Paluch (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum): Our Organizational Model Is Eucharist
Nearly 50 scholars and practitioners participated in the conference representing Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Thailand, The Netherlands, the UK, and USA.