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Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion Special Issue

    In 2022 the Special Issue “Ethics and Spirituality” was published in the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion Vol. 19(3) (2022).

    The special issue contains the following papers:

    Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest), Bernadette Flanagan (Spirituality Institute for Research and Education, Dublin), and Luk Bouckaert (Catholic University of Leuven): Spirituality and Ethics

    Sharda Nandram (Free University of Amsterdam), Puneet K. Bindlish (Free University of Amsterdam), Sukhada Sukhada (Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi), and Arjun Kumar (Kathmandu University School of Management): Spirituality Led Ethical Decision Making with Yogic Yamas and Niyamas

    Ernest NG (The University of Hong Kong): Embodying Morality in Management Theory and Practice: A Buddhist Perspective

    Sanjoy Mukherjee (Indian Institute of Management Shillong), and Sumona Ghosh (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata): Enhancing Effectiveness of Values and Ethics Education through Spirituality

    http://h t t p s : / / w w w. i n g e n t a c o n n e c t . c o m / c o n t e n t / j m s r / rmsr20/2022/00000019/00000003