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    V. Adinarayanan

    Anadi Foundation, India

    V. Adinarayanan

    V Adinarayanan is a tapasvi and visionary teacher working towards societal well-being. He is the co-founder of Anaadi Foundation, a non-profit socio-spiritual organization in India that focuses on culture, well-being, education and sustainability. Adinarayanan has an MS in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University and was with the Software Industry before moving into academics. With a decade of teaching and research experience at Amrita University, he brings in multidimensional perspective and immersive experience in all the programs. Through his talks and workshops, he inspires youth to lead a self-reliant, socially-conscious and sustainable life.

    Laura Sarolta Baritz, OP

    Sapientia Theological College of Religious Orders, Budapest, Hungary

    Laura Sarolta Baritz, OP

    Laura Sarolta Baritz OP is member of the Order of Dominicans in Hungary. She has diplomas of economics (1983), religion teacher (2002) and ethic teacher (2004) and specializes herself on the alternative economics. She obtained her PhD from the Corvinus University of Budapest with a dissertation on alternative economic model based on the virtue ethics. Baritz runs programs called “Christian Social Priciples in the Economy” at the Sapienta College and “Human Centered Economics” at the Corvinus University of Budapest.

    Ken Barnes

    Gordon & Conwell Theological Seminary, USA

    Ken Barnes

    Ken Barness is Mockler-Phillips Professor of Workplace Theology and Business Ethics at Gordon & Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, USA. Dr. Barnes holds a B.A. in Political Science and Theatre from the State University of New York, an M.A.T.S. from Gordon-Conwell, an M.Div. from New Brunswick Theological Seminary, M.Phil. from Kings College, University of London in Church History and Doctrine, and D.Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Chaplaincy and Apologetics.

    Tilman Bauer

    Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland

    Tilman Bauer

    Tilman Bauer is a young professional in the fields of business vis-à-vis peace, social sustainability, and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). His professional career aspirations are to work for peace in the interface of business and society. He desires to base all actions on sustainable and ethical values and to realize the potential of business to foster peace, which he defines not merely as the absence of war or violence but positively for example as the presence of true wellbeing and prosperity, as positive social impact, as cultural diversity, and ultimately as a higher purpose.

    Margot Borden

    Integral Perspectives LLC, Mumbai, India

    Margot Borden

    Margot Borden is founder and consultant at Integral Perspectives. Margot practices Psychotherapy, East-West Executive Coaching, Corporate Consulting, Public Speaking and teaches at Antioch University Midwest. She is currently based in Mumbai and works in Europe, USA and India. Through psychotherapy, coaching and her other work, Margot conveys an understanding of spirituality that is both practical and down to earth. It will open doors and invite us to a life of greater congruence, meaning and fulfillment for people, organizations and the planet.

    Manas Chatterji

    Binghamton University, State University of New York, USA

    Manas Chatterji

    Manas Chatterji is Professor Emeritus of Management and Program Faculty, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies at Binghamton University, State University of New York. He is also Honorary Visiting Professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Beijing, China. Honorary Distinguished Professor at the Calcutta Business School in Calcutta, India, and Honorary Distinguished Professor at the Poznan University of Economics in Poznan, Poland. His research interests include International Management and Strategic Management, Health Care, Conflict and Peace, and Energy and Environment.

    Cecilia Chirieleison

    University of Perugia, Italy

    Cecilia Chirieleison

    Cecilia Chirieleison is Associate Professor of Management and Corporate Communication at Department of Political Science of the University of Perugia, Italy. Her research interests include corporate social responsibility, business ethics, and sustainability. She is also an expert in the field of tourism and event management, particularly in relation to sustainable transportation.

    Jean-Paul Close

    AiREAS and STIR Academy, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

    Jean-Paul Close

    After an executive career across the world Jean-Paul Close came back to his homeland, Holland in 2001. As an entrepreneur he started to write books, speak in public and coach enterprises on business spirituality. In 2008 he started to uniting entrepreneurial people with a high sense of cultural creativity in the STIR Foundation with the objective to work together on transformative processes. Starting with self-employed people they caught the attention of larger organizations and institutions to eventually create new cooperative initiatives in various fields. Proving their concepts slowly in the complexity of the Netherlands they started communicating their findings to international audience and through international papers.

    Zuzana Čmelíková

    Reziliencia, Slovakia

    Zuzana Čmelíková

    Zuzana Čmelíková is the Founder Reziliencia, a consulting company, in Banksa Bystrica, Slovakia. She is a trainer and a coach. Her company’s vision is to be a leader in the field of organizational education, training and consulting with an emphasis on the moral development of organizations and their members.

    Daniel Deak

    Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

    Daniel Deak

    Daniel Deák is a former professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, where he teaches and researches international taxation and EU law. A strong interest in social sciences has characterised his career. He is the founding chairman of the Hungarian branch of the International Fiscal Association and the chairman in charge of the association publishing the periodical Mérleg (Digest) on progressive theology.

    Gerrit De Vylder

    Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

    Gerrit De Vylder

    Gerrit De Vylder is professor emeritus of International Political Economy & Economic History a the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. After finishing MA-studies in Leuven and Gent Universities, he obtained his PhD from Tilburg University in The Netherlands. He is currently working on the history of globalization (an Asia-centric point of view), on the relationship between religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity) and economics/business, and between Orientalist literature and economics/business.

    Mara Del Baldo

    University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy

    Mara Del Baldo

    Mara Del Baldo is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management and of Financial Accounting at the University of Urbino (Italy), Department of Economics, Society and Politics. She was also a visiting professor at the University of Vigo (Spain), the Jurai Dobrila University of Pula (Hroazia) and the New Bulgarian University of Sofia (Bulgaria). Her main research interests include: Entrepreneurship and small businesses; corporate social responsibility, sustainability and business ethics; SMEs and networking strategies; financial and integrated reporting; ethical, social and environmental accounting (SEAR) and gender(pink) accounting. She published in different Italian and foreign journals as well as in national and international conferences proceedings and books.

    Paul Depuydt

    Praxislaw, Brussels, Belgium

    Paul Depuydt

    Paul Depuydt studied law at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and has a Master degree in notarial law. He is a member of the Brussels Bar since 1977. He started his career at the firm and became a partner in 1981. Paul has considerable experience in insurance law, liability, civil procedure and professional conduct regulations. He advises and represents corporates and professionals (mainly attorneys, bailiffs, insurance brokers and doctors) and their insurers in cases relating to industrial and professional liability. He advises and represents insurers in all insurance law matters. He is assisted by a team of five attorneys. Paul wrote several books and numerous articles and is regularly invited as a lecturer at seminars. He was assistant professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from 1976 to 1980.

    Tomasz Dolegovski

    Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

    Tomasz Dolegovski

    Tomasz Dolegowski works at the Warsaw School of Economics – World Economy Faculty since 1985. He got his Ph.D. in 1994 (dissertation about globalization and regional cooperation in transportation sector). He received his Habilitation in 2002. His research interests include: institutions and competitiveness in global economy, globalization and regionalization of the world and European economy, ethical aspects of international business and globalization, CSR, international transport. He is member of the Business Ethics Faculty Group of CEMS – Global Alliance for Management Education.

    Eelco van den Dool

    Ede Christian University for Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

    Eelco van den Dool

    E.C. (Eelco) van den Dool studied Business Administration at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and currently works at the Ede Christian University for Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. He is an associate researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Business Studies. Eelco initiated the PhD research project ‘Capturing Spiritual Dynamics in Social Innovation’.

    José Luis Fernández Fernández

    Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, Spain

    José Luis Fernández Fernández

    Professor José Luis Fernández Fernández studied at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, where he majored in Philosophy (1980) and received his Ph.D. in 1986. He also earned a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in 1992. In 1984 he began teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. He is currently Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Director of the Javier Benjumea Chair of Economic and Business Ethics. Between 2000 and 2003 he was Vice President for External Relations and University Extension at his university.

    Zsuzsanna Gyori

    Budapest Business School, Hungary

    Zsuzsanna Gyori

    Zsuzsanna Győri is Associate Professor at Budapest Business School. She was working as CSR expert at KÖVET – Sustainability Consulting in Budapest. She received her PhD degree in 2011 from the Corvinus University of Budapest with her thesis “CSR and beyond”. Her research focuses on values-driven business models.

    Tibor Héjj

    Proactive Management Consulting Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

    Tibor Héjj

    Tibor Héjj is Founder and Managing Partner of Proactive Management Consulting Ltd. in Budapest. He earned two M.Sc. degrees at The Technical University in Budapest and his MBA degree at Vanderbilt University in the United States. He was co-founder and for 10 years one of the Executive Vice Presidents of Műszertechnika, the most successful Hungarian computer and telecom company of its time. The company’s international expansion was one of his achievements. He set up and presided over subsidiaries in Germany, Switzerland, USA and Taiwan.

    Elisabeth Hense

    Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Elisabeth Hense

    Dr. Elisabeth Hense is Assistant Professor of Spirituality at Radboud University Nijmegen. Her main fields of research are Christian spirituality, interreligious spirituality, societal spirituality and theories on spirituality. She also is a Trustee to the Board of Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Provinz der Karmeliten. Her research is about older and newer forms of spirituality. She has translated texts of top writers of the Carmelite tradition, such as John of the Cross, and she has saved other interesting Carmelite writers, in particular Maria Petyt, John of St. Samson and Francis Amelry, from oblivion. The transmission of their spirituality has resulted in extraordinary contemporary music theatre productions. These productions, too, have become a subject of her research.

    Peter Heslam

    Transforming Business, Cambridge, UK

    Peter Heslam

    Dr. Peter Heslam is director of Transforming Business in Cambridge, UK. His main research focus is the nexus of business, faith and development. His academic background includes social science, history, ethics and theology and he holds degrees from Oxford and Cambridge. Before his current appointments, Peter was director of the Capitalism Project at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, the convenor of JustShare (a consortium of twenty development agencies), and an adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the issue of globalization.

    Nel Hofstra

    Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    Nel Hofstra

    Nel Hofstra is former lecturer at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands since 1986. She was teaching Entrepreneurial Marketing, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Business & Society. She was member of the Business Ethics Faculty Group of CEMS – Global Alliance for Management Education. Her research includes eco-innovations and entrepreneurship, focusing on the concept of the role of Nature.

    Carlos Hoevel

    Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Carlos Hoevel

    Carlos Hoevel is Professor of History of Economic and Political Ideas, Business Ethics and Philosophy of Economics at the Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires. He is also Director of the University’s Center of Studies in Economy and Culture and of the Journal of Economic Culture. His publications includes “The Economy of Recognition” (Springer, 2013)

    Knut J. Ims

    NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway

    Knut J. Ims

    Knut J. Ims is professor in Business Ethics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, Norway. He received his PhD from the School of Economics and Legal Sciences, Gothenburg University, Sweden. He has taught courses in ethics (Ethical Action – Individual, Organization and Society; and, Business Strategy and Business Ethics) for more than two decades. He has also taught PhD courses in system development and information and management. He is member of the Business Ethics Interfaculty Group of CEMS – Global Alliance for Management Education.

    Kevin Jackson

    Fordham University, New York, USA

    Kevin Jackson

    Kevin Jackson is Professor of Law and Ethics at Fordham University in New York, USA. He is a leading scholar in international business ethics, global economic governance, and legal philosophy. His research papers have been published in top-tier journals, among them Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and Law and Philosophy. His “Charting Global Responsibilities: Legal Philosophy and Human Rights” (University Press of America, 1994) was presented as a gift to His Holiness the Dalai Lama by the U.S. State Department. The book was praised for its “fascinating chapters, felicitous expositions and fundamental thinking,” noting that “it is critical that [reading] this volume become a high-priority task of avant-garde jurists.”

    Ove Jakobsen

    Bodo Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, Norway

    Ove Jakobsen

    Ove Jakobsen is Professor of Ecological Economics at the Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, Norway. He is Director and Co-founder of the Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics and Member of the Board of Bodø Graduate School of Business. He holds a Dr. Oecon. degree (Norwegian School of Economics). He also holds master’s degrees in Marketing (SLHK, Oslo), Business Administration (NHH) and Philosophy (University of Bergen). His books include « Circulation Economics: Theory and Practice » (2007, Oxford, Peter Lang)

    Tomas Kavaliauskas

    Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania

    Tomas Kavaliauskas

    Tomas Kavaliauskas is an Associate Professor at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. He has been teaching business ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of science at various universities. He is a Lithuanian social critic, essayist and novelist. Kavaliauskas analyses the geopolitics of the Baltic region and European identity issues. He is the author of “Transformations in Central Europe between 1989 and 2012: Geopolitical, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Shifts” (Lexington Books, 2012) and “The Individual in Business Ethics” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

    Luit Kloosterman

    Erasmus University Rotterdam

    Luit Kloosterman

    Till June 2016 Luit Kloosterman served as assistant professor in marketing at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands. During his more than 30 years of academic carrier he was involved in teaching international marketing and consumer behavior. He organized research projects in which Erasmus students made research studies about Dutch companies abroad. Kloosterman co-authored several marketing textbooks in Dutch. Based upon his experiences he struggled with the neoclassical perspective dominant in marketing and other economic fields. He became interested in how spirituality and sustainability can contribute to the transformation of economics.

    Gabor Kovacs

    Business Ethics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

    Gabor Kovacs

    Gabor Kovacs is Assistant Professor at the Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. His research topic is spiritual value-orientations in entrepreneurship. He has background in economics and management. He received his master’s degree in Buddhist studies from the Budapest Buddhist University in 2010. He was participating in a research project about the ecological value-orientation of Hungarian entrepreneurships. He is researching on Buddhist economics as well.

    Imre Lazar

    Karoli Gaspar University of Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary

    Imre Lazar

    Imre Lázár graduated from Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest as a medical doctor in 1981. While undergoing training in psychotherapy in the late 1980s he became interested in medical anthropology. He received his MSc in Medical Anthropology from Brunel University in London and his PhD in Behavioral Sciences from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since 1993 he has been teaching medical anthropology at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences of Semmelweis Medical University. Since 2003 he also works as professor at the Institute of Communication and Social Sciences of the Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church in Budapest.

    Francois Lépineux

    Independent researcher and writer, France

    Francois Lépineux

    François Lépineux is independent researcher and writer in the fields of transition and spirituality. He is former professor at ESC Rennes School of Business (Brittany, France), where he was in charge of the CANON Chair “Foresight and the Common Good”. He is co-founder and past-president of ADERSE, the French academic association on CSR. After graduating from HEC Paris School of Management in 1990, he has carried on various research and consulting activities. He received his PhD in Management Science at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM, Paris). He has co-edited two books with Professor Henri-Claude de Bettignies: “Finance for a Better World: The Shift Toward Sustainability” (2009. London, Palgrave Macmillan) and “Business, Globalization and the Common Good” (2009. Oxford, Peter Lang Academic Publishers).

    Alpar Losoncz

    University of Novi Sad, Serbia

    Alpar Losoncz

    Alpár Losoncz has studied law, economics, and philosophy. He gained his PhD in Social Sciences and Economics from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. From 1981 to 1987 he was research associate at the Faculty of Law Novi Sad. From 1988 he has been working at the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Technology of the same university. Since 1991 he is also lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Szeged, Hungary. He was initiator of the Specialist Academic Studies in Novi Sad and the director of the course in relation to multiculturality in Central Europe and business ethics. In addition he served as the lecturer of Alternative Academic Network in Belgrade.

    Sanjoy Mukherjee

    Indian Institute of Management, Shillong, India

    Sanjoy Mukherjee

    Sanjoy Mukharjee is Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong where he is member of the Sustainability, CSR and Ethics Group. A graduate in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Calcutta, he obtained his Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) from Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta, and Ph.D from Jadavpur University. Till 2009 Mukherjee was engaged in research, teaching and consulting at the Management Centre for Human, IIM Calcutta.

    Michael Müller-Camen

    Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

    Michael Müller-Camen

    Michael Müller-Camen is a Full Professor at the Institute of Human Resource Management of the Vienna University of Economics and Business and Associate Professor of International HRM at Middlesex University London. His research concentrates on Sustainable Human Resource Management. Within this emerging subject, his research focuses on Age Management, Green HRM, Industrial Relations and Social Reporting. His new research interest is the link between quantum physics, management and spirituality.

    Ernest C. H. Ng

    University of Hong Kong

    Ernest C. H. Ng

    Ernest C. H. Ng is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS), the University of Hong Kong, with a research focus on Buddhist Economics and the intersection of spirituality and materialism. He is currently the Chief Investment Officer at Sumeru Capital, an asset management company focusing on the Greater China markets. With over 15 years of experience in the financial market, he has developed a keen interest in the research and practice of integrating sustainable developments, wisdom traditions and the market economy.

    Andras Ocsai

    Business Ethics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

    Andras Ocsai

    Andras Ocsai worked for several companies and also in the public sector after graduation at the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2002. Then, he found his way back to his alma mater and started his Ph. D. studies in 2012 at the Business Ethics Center. The title of his PhD project is ‘Value-oriented business and ecological transformation’ that he defended in 2019. Now he is Assistant Professor at the Business Ethics of Corvinus University of Budapest. He assists the European SPES Institute to organize its activities and projects.

    Eleanor O’Higgins

    University College Dublin, Ireland

    Eleanor O'Higgins

    Eleanor O’Higgins (BA, MSc, MBA, PhD) is on the faculty of the School of Business at UCD and is a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She specialises in teaching, research and publications on business ethics, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and strategic and public management. She is the author of numerous papers in academic and professional journals, newspaper articles, book chapters and case studies. She has received a number of international awards for peer reviewed articles on business ethics and governance. Her case studies and research work on the airline industry and on Ryanair have also received prestigious international awards.

    Michael O Sullivan, SJ

    Spirituality Institute for Research and Education, Dublin, Ireland

    Michael O Sullivan, SJ

    Michael O’Sullivan, SJ is Director of Spirituality Institute for Research and Education in Dublin, Ireland. He was previously Head of Theology and Moderator of final year PhD students at All Hallows College and Director of the Higher Diploma and MA programmes in Applied Christian Spirituality at Milltown Institute, a Recognized College of the National University of Ireland.

    Smrithi Rekha Adinarayanan

    Smrithi Rekha Adinarayanan

    Smrithi Rekha Adinarayanan is the co-founder of Anaadi Foundation. She was formerly an Edtech and Cognitive Science researcher at CREATE Labs and a Faculty member of the Computer Science and Engineering at Amrita University. She has an MS in Information Systems from University at Buffalo, USA. In 2015, she was a visiting faculty at the University of L’Aquila, Italy and contributed to research in the area of Organizational group decision making. Her research in Cognitive Science involves designing learning content that utilizes the human cognitive potential for enhanced learning outcomes.

    Ora Setter

    Tel Aviv University, Israel

    Ora Setter

    Ora Setter (PhD) was the CEO and Academic Director of Lahav – the Executive Education Center of Tel Aviv University, Israel. She is a lecturer at the Social Science Faculty and the Coller Business School, Tel Aviv University, Israel. She is also an Adjunct Professor at MDI, one of the best business schools in India. Dr. Setter was the chairwoman of Psycho-Dharma, a school for implementation of Buddhist psychology, where she teaches courses in Buddhism and management. A senior consultant, to many leading companies in Israel, focusing on Organizational Development, Ora’s areas of expertise are change management, power and politics, knowledge management, and building and organizing training programs for organizations.

    Arnold Smit

    University of Stellenbosch Business School, Bellville, South Africa

    Arnold Smit

    Arnold Smit is the Director of the Centre for Business in Society and an associate professor extraordinaire at the University of Stellenbosch Business School in Bellville, South Africa. The Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) is a Centre of Excellence with the mandate to make the sustainable development agenda of the 21st century relevant for leadership, organisational and societal learning. In doing so, CBiS is a laboratory for co-creating transformative solutions for a sustainably developed world. Besides holding a doctorate in theology (researching the role of spirituality in decision-making), Arnold previously served as a parish minister, a leadership and organisational development consultant and a human resources executive. He is furthermore the current president of the Business Ethics Network Africa (BEN-Africa) and a trustee of SEED Educational Trust, a non-profit organisation that builds leadership and change management capacity in the educational and social sectors.

    Vivi ML Storsletten

    Bodo Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, Norway

    Vivi ML Storsletten

    Vivi ML Storsletten is a researcher in ecological economics at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland. Her research interests include ecological economics, business ethics and spriritual leadership. She has a master degree in ecological economics. She has a master degree in business administration, specially focusing on the retailing industry, sustainability and global responsibility correlated to leadership models based on founding principles within mechanistic and organic worldviews.

    Antonio Tencati

    University of Brescia and Bocconi University, Italy

    Antonio Tencati

    Antonio Tencati is Full Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy. He earned his PhD in Corporate Social Responsibility from De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. He also serves at the Department of Management and Technology, Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy, and collaborates with the Technology and Operations Management Unit, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Tencati is a member of the Business Ethics Faculty Group of the CEMS (Community of European Management Schools−The Global Alliance in Management Education). His research areas include business and society, management of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, environmental management, innovation and operations management. His work has been published in leading international journals and academic books.

    Michael J. Thate

    Princeton University, USA

    Michael J. Thate

    Since graduating with his PhD from Durham University in 2012 in Religious studies and the reception history of the study of early Christianity in 20th century Germany, Michael has embarked on a disciplinary nomadic existence. His first position was as a lecturer in New Testament Interpretation at Yale Divinity School where he also was a post-doc. From there he moved to Princeton University where he again was a lecturer but this time in ethics in the Religion Department. Michael remains at Princeton in a hybrid religion/sociology position where he is engaged in varying research project on labor disputes in antiquity through modernity.

    Keren Tsuk

    Wisdom To Lead, Kadima, Israel

    Keren Tsuk

    Keren Tsuk is Founder and CEO of Wisdom To Lead consultancy. She has a Ph.D. from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is an expert in leadership at 21st century organizations. Dr Tsuk has more than 15 years of experience in supervising, guiding and advising organizations through processes of change and growth. She helps companies to deal with their challenges and handle their different organizational tensions through mindfulness. Keren uses a holistic approach, which integrates personal and organizational growth.

    Imre Ungvari-Zrinyi

    Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania

    Imre Ungvari-Zrinyi

    Imre Ungvári-Zrínyi is Associate Professor in General and Applied Ethics at the “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj, Romania. He got his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Values in 1999. His publications include the following: Introduction in Ethics (2006); Basic Concepts of Applied Ethics. Bioethics, Business Ethics, Ethics of Public Service, Media Ethics (2007); Moral Philosophy (2008); Dialogic Ethics for Business (2009); Factors of Crisis and/or Perspectives of Responsibility (2011); Spirituality as motivation and perspective for a socially responsible entrepreneurship (2014) His research topics are phenomenology; intercultural communication; media ethics; dialogic ethics for business; and moral responsibility.

    Doirean Wilson

    Middlesex University Business School, London, UK

    Doirean Wilson

    Doirean Wilson is a HRM Professional Practitioner and Senior Lecturer in the department of Leadership Work & Organisations at Middlesex University Business School London. She holds a Doctorate in Professional Practice, a Masters degree in HRM, a Postgraduate Certificate in Management Studies, and one in Further Education. Her research and teaching interests are Diversity Management, Cross-cultural Teams, Gender Disparity, Leadership and Management. Doirean is reputed to be the first BME woman to lead an Executive MBA Programme in the UK.

    Artur Zipf

    Director Kienbaum Consulting, Berlin

    Artur Zipf

    Artur Zipf is Director of Kienbaum Consulting in Berlin, a leading organization dedicated to orchestrating and accelerating transformation and brave leadership.