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Caring Management in the New Economy

    In 2019 the book “Caring Management in the New Economy: Socially Responsible Behavior Through Spirituality” edited by Ora Setter and Laszlo Zsolnai was published by Palgrave Macmillan in London.

    This book frames a new ethos of management that cares for society, future generations, and nature whilst also serving the interests of business and the wider community. Employing the practical wisdom of faith traditions, the chapters develop the use of spirituality as a resource for creating business models that take pressing social problems—such as quality of life at work, over-consumption, environmental degradation, and climate change—into account. Spanning entrepreneurship, leadership, management education, and business models, the chapters aim to develop a spiritually based caring model of management to face the challenges and reality of the 21st century.

    The contents of the book are as follows:

    Ora Setter (Tel Aviv University) and Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest): Care, and Its Relevance to Today’s Economy

    Imre Ungvari-Zrinyi (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Kolozsvar): Authentic Human Relations and the Economy

    Luk Bouckaert (Catholic University of Leuven): Caring for Being and Caring for the Other

    Kevin Jackson (Fordham University, New York): Getting to the Heart of Compassion in Philosophy and Economic Life

    Garry Jacobs (World Academy of Art and Science): Consciousness Approach to Management and Economics

    Yehuda Kahane (Tel Aviv University): New Metrics for a New Economy: The B2T by 2020 Project

    Jose Luis Fernandez-Fernandez and Cristina Diaz de la Cruz (Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid): Catholic Social Thought and the Economy of Communion as a Business Model

    Tibor Hejj (Proactive Management Consulting Ltd., Budapest): Dignity, Love and Servant-Leadership

    Pavel Chalupnicek (Catholic University of Leuven): Social Entrepreneurship, Conscience, and the Common Good

    Gabor Kovacs (Corvinus University of Budapest): The Caring Attitude of Christian and Buddhist Entrepreneurs

    Knut Ims (NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen): Caring Entrepreneurship and Ecological Conscience—The Case of Patagonia Inc.

    Ora Setter (Tel Aviv University): Spirituality and Caring in Organizations: The Covenant Metaphor

    Sanjoy Mukherjee (Indian Institute of Management Shillong): Creative Spirit in Management Education: Insights from Rabindranath Tagore

    Henri-Claude de Bettignies (INSEAD, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, and Stanford University): Spirituality, Caring Organizations and Corporate Effectiveness: Are Business Schools Developing Such a Path Toward a Better Future?

    Ora Setter (Tel Aviv University) and Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest): The Significance of Care in Dark Times