
  • Increasingly, it is being recognized that spirituality, defined here as "a multiform search for a transcendent meaning of life that connects them to all living beings and brings them in touch with God or ‘Ultimate Reality,’" is an aspect of almost every sphere and aspect of social life. It appears in humanity’s dealings with nature, home and community, healing, economics and business, knowledge, and education. The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions is a stimulating collection that summarizes the most important issues, frameworks, discussions, and problems relating to spiritually inspired activities in different fields of social life. 


  • The book “Choosing Hope. How to Spiritualize the Economy?” by Luk Bouckaert was published in Dutch. (Kies voor Hoop. Hoe spiritualiteit de economie kan veranderen. Garant, Antwerpen, 2017)

    In his book Luk Bouckaert argues that the current search for spirituality is an effort within secularized societies to reconnect with a metaphysic of hope. In periods of crisis and deep change, when there is no longer consensus about the goals and values of life, we need a deeper spiritual ground for hope. Rational theories of happiness – of which economics is part - do not suffice to overcome the disorder and lack of convergence in periods of deep change. This does not mean that we do not have wishes or goals nor that we do not have any interest in their realization. But the spiritual source of hope starts from something that is prior to our desires and goals and makes sense independently from their fulfilment. We may call this awareness of meaning prior to our wishes and desires the disclosure of Life as a meaningful Presence.  Life as it is intuitively experienced as a given, sense making Presence that always creates new opportunities and hope despite the many failures and disappointments.

  • The paper covers Peter Pruzan’s personal and professional journey described as “From Optimization to Transformation – My Path to the Wellspring of Rationality, Morality and Spirituality”.  This journey also took Professor Pruzan from USA to Denmark and India.

  • This volume celebrates the work of Laszlo Zsolnai in the field of the ethical and spiritual aspects of economic life, who has made significant contributions to the connection between ethics, spirituality, aesthetics and economic theory. The book offers a selection of essays concerned with the ethical, spiritual and aesthetic context within which economics as a social studies discipline should be situated in order to avoid the sort of dehumanizing consequences that theories based on utility maximization and rational choice necessarily entail.

  • This collection addresses the relationship between business, the natural environment, ethics, and spirituality. While traditional economic theory generally assumed firms maximize profits, it has long been acknowledged that other factors may be important to understanding firm activities. The role of ethics and spirituality in society is clearly significant, yet economists have traditionally had little to say on these topics and how they intersect with economic activity.

  • The book collects and analyzes 11 exemplary cases of progressive business. Progressive business is understood as ecologically sustainable, future respecting and pro-social enterprise. The collected cases aim to show the best to be expected from business in the 21st century. Authors include Eleanor O'Higgins, Laszlo Zsolnai, Antonio Tencati, Knut Ims, Nel Hofstra, Luit Kloosterman and Michael Müller-Camen.




  • Economics as a Moral Science has been published by Springer. The book is an attempt to reclaim economics as a moral science. It argues that ethics is a relevant aspect of all levels of economic activity, from individual and organizational to societal and global. Taking ethical considerations into account is needed in explaining and predicting the behavior of economic agents as well as in evaluating and designing economic policies and mechanisms. The book employs the personalist approach that sees human persons with free will and conscience as the basic agents of economic life and defines human flourishing as the final end of economic activities.

  • The book edited by Sharda Nandram and Puneet K. Bindlish is written in response to the call towards a better world by focusing on an integrative worldview, manifested in a new way of organizing ‘Integrative Self-Management’. This publication is intended to inspire the researchers and academics to creatively integrate their perspectives on issues and solutions at fundamental levels.

  • This volume develops a synthesized interpretation of ecological economics integrating different levels: (economic) system, (business) practice and the (economic) actor. It discusses how changes on a systems level are connected to changes in practice and development of individual consciousness. Transformative Ecological Economics delves into the insight and knowledge from different sources of inspiration (thermodynamics, Darwinism, anthroposophy and Buddhism) as well as into an integrated story describing and illustrating the core ideas, principles and values that characterize a utopian society anchored in ecological economics. Implementation of the deep changes demanded depends on our ability to write a new story, a utopian one for sure, but one which is in accordance with and based on the reality in which we live.

  • The book by Aloy Soppe examines the experience of the recent financial crisis and argues that a firmer ethical grounding for the financial sector is required to prevent the crisis being repeated. It offers a model for making judgements on financial markets, institutions and products. The model is built on seven major criteria: Justice, Nature, Sustainability, Legality, Risk and Return, the Stakeholder model and Monism. This multidisciplinary approach integrates philosophy, economics and law to arrive at a new normative approach to financial ethics.

  • This book is an outcome of a decade-long multi-layered research undertaken by Shashank Shah to study eminent Indian companies and the leaders who manage them. The name Win-Win Corporations (WWC) epitomizes a genre of companies that consistently focus on devising and implementing win-win solutions and mutually beneficial strategies for long-term value creation for the company’s shareholders as well as its stakeholders. The book details the philosophy and processes, the means and methods used by WWC to integrate stakeholders’ interests into the managerial mind-set during organizational decision making.

  • Our lack of ability to deal with the current climate of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) is the cause or catalyst for a rise in fanaticism, existential crisis, fraud, greed and unnecessary competition across the globe. In this book, the authors attribute these issues to a lack of Integrativeness in our worldview. They present the concept of “Integrative Intelligence” as a means to inculcate a much needed Integrativeness to transform our perspective. Rather than thinking of VUCA issues as problems, they suggest to approach them as sustainable entrepreneurial opportunities. The authors show how Integrative Intelligence nourishes our material and spiritual needs and inspire us to pave the way for better societies and celebrating humaneness. This book will provide you, the entrepreneur, intrapreneur, CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, or executive professional with an understanding of Integrative Intelligence and tools for working with the opportunities of the next digital wave. Integrative Intelligence comprises of our Individual Intelligence and System Intelligence. You will gain insights empowering you to view organizational innovation with creativity and approaches to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and reduction of wastage of resources. This book will help you understand the root causes of many types of problems such as fanaticism, existential crisis, bureaucracy and digitalization. It helps to find meaning and purpose in life, a view to analyze and build cooperation and harmony in organizations, businesses, industries and communities. It nourishes the natural tendency to seek for profit that is beneficial for all and continuous happiness.

  • Luk Bouckaert published a booklet in Dutch with Pax Christi on Business for Peace (“Ondernemen voor vrede”) in which he introduces the Ypres Manifesto and presents the European SPES Institute.

  • The book contains selected papers presented at the international conference coorganized by the European  SPES Institute and IFIM Business School in Bangalore, India on January 9-10, 2014. Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors of this volume create a dialogue and interchange between Indian and European cultural traditions. Topics include spiritual orientations to business in Hindu, Buddhist and Christian traditions; the effect of spirituality upon contemporary leadership theories; sustainable business models in India and Europe and a comparison between Indian and European philosophies of leadership.
  • Laszlo Zsolnai and Doirean Wilson published a paper on art-based business. Their paper argues that with its exclusive focus on profit-making, modern-day businesses tend to violate the integrity and diversity of natural ecosystems, the autonomy and culture of local communities and the chance that future generations will lead a decent life. The core of the metaphysics of modern-day business is what Martin Heidegger calls “calculative thinking”. It is contrasted with poetic thinking represented by genuine art. To preserve nature and to satisfy human needs, gentle, careful ways of undertaking economic activities are needed. The paper analyses the cases of Illy Café and Brunello Cucinelli as art-based companies to show that art can inspire business to become more aesthetic organization engaged in socio-ecological value creation and the enrichment of  the quality of life.


  • This book by Peter Pruzan (member of the Advisory Board of the European SPES Institute) is an in-depth guide to effective scientific research. Ranging from the philosophical to the practical, it explains at the outset what science can – and can’t – achieve, and discusses its relationship to mathematics and laws. The author then pays extensive attention to the scientific method, including experimental design, verification, uncertainty and statistics. A major aim of the book is to help young scientists reflect upon the deeper aims of their work and make the best use of their talents in contributing to progress. To this end, it also includes sections on planning research, on presenting one’s findings in writing, as well as on ethics and the responsibilities of scientists.

  • Good business needs a peaceful and just world in which to operate and prosper. Likewise, peace thrives in a healthy economic environment. However, many companies - either directly or indirectly - are involved in the arms race and in a battle to exploit and control scarce resources. As a result of the ambiguous power of business, a timely reflection on its impact on war and peace is needed as well as a conscious pro-peace commitment. Business, Ethics and Peace gathers a selection of papers presented at the International SPES Conference Business for Peace, Strategies for Hope at Ypres, April 10 - 12, 2014.

  • Carlos Hoevel and Laszlo Zsolnai edited a special issues on Spirituality in Business in Spanish for the journal „Revista Cultura & Económica” Vol 32, No. 88. The volume contains the following papers:

    The Mission and Activities of the European SPES Institute

    Luk Bouckaert (Leuven): Spiritual Discernment in Decision-Making

    Hendrik Opdebeeck (Antwerp): Rediscovering the Personalist Philosophy of  Jacques Maritain

    Laszlo Zsolnai (Budapest): Spiritually Driven Entrepreneurship

    Henri-Claude de Bettignies (INSEAD): Can We Develop the Responsible Leaders We Need?

    Mike Thompson (London and Shanghai): Managers’ Self-understanding of Wisdom

  • In his video Laszlo Zsolnai summarizes the main principles of Buddhist economics. The video was created for the Gross National Happiness World Conference organized by the Center for Bhutan Studies and GHN Research in November 4-6, 2015 in Bhutan. (video)

  • This book discloses the spiritual dimension in business ethics and sustainability management. Spirituality is understood as a multiform search for meaning which connects people with all living beings and God or Ultimate Reality. In this sense, spirituality is a vital source in social and economic life. The volume examines the spiritual orientations to nature and business in different cultural traditions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
